In my last post i gave you the list of best port scanner tools. In this post i will explain about port scanning process and use of port scanning.
Port Scanning:
Port scanning is the process of searching for active or opened ports in victim system. Just like a thief searching for gate opened house. Consider this scanning
Starting Scan.
Target Host: www.yourcompany.com or IP Address
TCP Port :7 (echo)
TCP Port :9 (discard)
TCP Port :13 (daytime)
TCP Port :19 (chargen)
TCP Port :21 (ftp)
TCP Port :23 (telnet)
TCP Port :25 (smtp)
TCP Port :37 (time)
TCP Port :53 (domain)
TCP Port :79 (finger)
TCP Port :80 (www)
TCP Port :110 (pop)
TCP Port :111 (sunrpc)
It shows the active ports in that domain or ip address
What is the Use?
what we can do with these ports? we can communicate with the victim system remotely using those active ports. So we can get their data without their knowledge.(The thing is that you can theft their data).
Scanning for open ports is done in two ways.
- Scan a single IP address for open ports:
It just like a thief who searching for any opened gate in single house.
In relation to scanning, the gate is port and house is IP address.
We are searching for the active port in a single IP address
searching for active ports only at 123.xx.xx.xx - Scan a range of IP address to find open ports:
Scanning a range of IP address is like thief who searching for any opened gate in a street. In relation to scanning, the gate is ports and street is range of ip address
searching active ports only at
123.20.xx.xx to 123.30.xx.xx
<a href="http://www.breakthesecurity.com/2010/12/some-of-best-port-scanning-tools.html">Port Scanning Tools >> Download:
A Windows-only port scanner, pinger, and resolver SuperScan is a free Windows-only closed-source TCP/UDP port scanner by Foundstone. It includes a variety of additional networking tools such as ping, traceroute, http head, and whois.
Angry IP Scanner
A fast windows IP scanner and port scanner. Angry IP Scanner can perform basic
host discovery and port scans on Windows. Its binary file size is very small compared to other scanners and other pieces of information about the target hosts can be extended with a few plugins.
Unicornscan :
Unicornscan is an attempt at a User-land Distributed TCP/IP stack for information gathering
and correlation. It is intended to provide a researcher a superior interface for introducing a stimulus into and measuring a response from a TCP/IP enabled device or network. Some of its features include asynchronous stateless TCP scanning with all variations of TCP flags, asynchronous stateless TCP banner grabbing, and active/passive remote OS, application, and component identification by analyzing responses.
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