
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How To Crack a Program Step By Step

welcome to my tutorial on how to crack a program step by step!!
in this tutorial i'm taking the example of keygenme.exe on how to crack!
first of all download w32asm and hiew!!
Google them!!

extract it to desktop!!

1) then place KeygenMe.exe, HIEW32.exe from Hiew folder and put folder W32Dasm 8 on desktop and then click on keygenMe.exe and enter any value it will give error as "Try again" or "invalid key"

2) then click on W32DSM89.exe in folder W32Dasm 8 and from dissambler select option 'open file to disassembler' and select the KeygenMe exe file and it will disassemble the code.

3) After that click on search option and in that click on 'find text' and in find type your message say for in this instance "Try again" and click find next and it will find the exact string.

4) when u find the string message and press cursor up button and u will find the specific conditinional or unconditional referenced call address and find the address for this message and in this case the address is 0046723E©.

5) After that in desktop make another copy of KeygenMe.exe by copy paste and then move or drag KeyGenMe - Copy.exe to HIEW32.exe and finally it opens in blue screen HIEW hex editor.

6) when the blue screen HIEW hex editor opens and then click function key F4 and select decode.

7 ) Now press F5 and then ignore 0's of address 0046723E and write .46723E and press enter.

8) After that press F3 and in edit mode at 0666339 set values as 0066639 =90
006663A = 90
........... till upto 40 that is upto
006663f = 90

9) after that save it

10) update and select truncate no

11) finally press F9 and F10 and done

12) now close it and open the KeyGenMe - Copy.exe and enter any value and you get the message " you crack me " and with this you have cracked the keygen.exe file.

source :

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Ebook Info:-
Publication Date: March 25, 2011 | ISBN-10: 0132662361 | ISBN-13: 978-0132662369 | Edition: 8
Size ("56.21 Mb")

Download :

Download : mediafire

Monday, April 15, 2013

How to Cheat at Securing Linux

Publisher: Syngress
Pap/Onl edition
September 30, 2007
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1597492078
430 Pages
8.19 MB

Are you one of the millions of SysAdmins running a Linux server who can't find a current book on Linux security? Well..this is the book for you. How to Cheat at Securing Linux Servers is designed to help you deploy a Linux system on the Internet in a variety of security roles. This book provides practical instructions and pointers concerning the open source security tools that we use every day. This book shows you how to use your Linux skills to provide the most important security services such as encryption, authentication, access control, and logging. While writing the book, the authors had the following three-part structure in mind: locking down the network, securing data passing across the network, and protecting the network perimeter with firewalls, DMZs, and VPNs.

How to Cheat at Securing Linux 

Publisher: Syngress 
Pap/Onl edition 
September 30, 2007 
Language: English 
ISBN-10: 1597492078 
430 Pages 
8.19 MB 

Are you one of the millions of SysAdmins running a Linux server who can't find a current book on Linux security? Well..this is the book for you. How to Cheat at Securing Linux Servers is designed to help you deploy a Linux system on the Internet in a variety of security roles. This book provides practical instructions and pointers concerning the open source security tools that we use every day. This book shows you how to use your Linux skills to provide the most important security services such as encryption, authentication, access control, and logging. While writing the book, the authors had the following three-part structure in mind: locking down the network, securing data passing across the network, and protecting the network perimeter with firewalls, DMZs, and VPNs.


Sunday, April 14, 2013

WordPress and Joomla Shell Finder

The WordPress and Joomla Shell Finder is a project byIndian Cyber Hunters to help WordPress and Joomla admins to find malicious PHP scripts used to hacker/defacers to gain unauthorized access their websites. This tool is written in PERL, so in order to run this script, firstly you have to install the Perl package when can be found Here
Script Name :

Here is the source code :

#Author : Nihal Mistry
#Email :
#Blog :
#.:Indian Cyber Hunters:.
#Tested on Windows_Xp
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
system('color a');
system('title WP/Joomla Sh3ll Finder V2.0 (By X-c0d3r)');
print "\n";
print "\t++++++++++++++++++++Private++++++++++++++++++++\n";
print "\t+   WP/Joomla Shell Finder v2.0 (X-c0d3r)            +\n";
print "\t+       Greetz: Indian Cyber Space                         +\n";
print "\t+       P1v0t_4ntr4xt  |   P4r1nd4                           +\n";
print "\t+       S3n_H4x0r      |   N3t_m0nst3r                      +\n";
print "\t+       C0D3D32        |   C0d3_Sm4sh3r                   +\n";
print "\t+              All Ind14n H4ck3rs                                +\n";
print "\t+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n";
print "\n";
print "\tSelect the type of cms the site uses:\n";
print "\t  ___________________________________________\n";
print "\t||  1 = Wordpress                           ||\n";
print "\t||  2 = Joomla!                             ||\n";
print "\t||  3 = View Usage (Must Read)              ||\n";
print "\t||__________________________________________||\n";
print "\tEnter your choice 1/2 ->  ";
chomp $cms;
if ($cms eq '1')
print "\n\tPlease Enter Site\n \tExample:\n\t-> ";
chomp $site;
if ( $site !~ /^http:/ )
    $site = 'http://'. $site;
if ( $site !~ /\/$/ ) {
$site = $site . '/';
if ($site =~ m/([a-z0-9-].*)[.{2}](([a-z]{4}|[a-z]{3}|[a-z]{2}))/) {
    goto temp1;

    print "\n\tPlease cooperate & use this script by entering a proper site! -_-";
    goto ret1;
print "\n";

print "\n\tPlease Enter the Theme dir used by site: example: twentyeleven,twentyten....\n\t->";
    chomp $theme;
print "\t-> Defaced Site: $site\n";print "\t-> Starting Bruteforcing process....\n";

open IN, "< wpfinal.txt" or die "\tFile wpfinal.txt not found please create and put ur brute forcing list!";
my $num = @brute_terms;
print ("\t-> Having $num paths for guessing.\n");
foreach $dirs(@brute_terms)
my $req=HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$name);
my $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response=$ua->request($req);
if($response->content =~ /Uname:/ || $response->content =~ /Symlink/ || $response->content =~/server ip :/ || $response->content =~ /<form method=post>/ || /<input type=password/)

 " \n\t >.Found Sh3ll -> $name\n";
else {
print "\n\tNot found -> ".$name;

if ($cms eq '2')
print "\n\tPlease Enter Site\n\t Example:\n\t-> ";
chomp $site;
if ( $site !~ /^http:/ )
    $site = 'http://'.$site;
if ( $site !~ /\/$/ )
$site = $site.'/';
if ($site =~ m/([a-z0-9-].*)[.{2}](([a-z]{4}|[a-z]{3}|[a-z]{2}))/)
    goto temp;
else {
print "\n\tPlease cooperate & use this script by entering a proper site! -_-";
    goto ret;
print "\n";print "\tPlease Enter the Template dir used by site: example: beez,system...\n\t->";
    chomp $theme;
print "\t-> Defaced Site: $site\n";print "\t-> Starting Bruteforcing process....";

open IN, "< jofinal.txt" or die "\tFile jofinal.txt not found please create and put ur brute forcing list!";
my $num = @brute_terms;
print ("\t-> Having $num paths for guessing .\n");
foreach $dirs(@brute_terms)
my $req=HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$name);
my $ua=LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $response=$ua->request($req);
if($response->content =~ /Uname:/ || $response->content =~ /Symlink/ || $response->content =~/server ip :/ || $response->content =~ /<form method=post>/ || /<input type=password/)

 "\n\t >.Found Sh3ll -> $name\n";
system ('pause');
else {
        print "\n\tNot found -> $name ";

if ($cms eq 3)  &usage  }
sub usage()
print ("\n\t-->To find theme/template dir used by the site use google dork then -> view source\n\n");
print ("\n");
goto START;
if ($cms != 1 && 2 && 3){  goto START;  }


Download two other necessary files "wpfinal.txt" and "jofinal.txt" from Here and put them in them in the same directory as above, and you're done.

Credit : 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Script to update BackTrack5 V.: 1.6

The purpose of Bt5up is to update/add and bug fix BackTrack 5 tools.
Compatible with Backtrack 5 R3
Version 1.6 is out see the changelog to read the fixes and addons.

As you can see in the screen it display the version you have installed and the latest version available and the Main Menu with all the different topics to update/install, here is the complete menu:
1. Update and clean Backtrack.
2. Exploit tools.
  1.  Metasploit Framework.
  2.  Exploit-db.
  3.  SET – Social Engineering Toolkit.
  4.  Update all.
3. Wireless & Telephony.
  1.  Aircrack-ng and Airdrop.
  2.  WarVox.
  3. WiFite.
  4. Dedected.
  5. Fern Wifi Cracker
  6.  Giskismet.
  7.  Update all
4. Web & Database.
  1.  W3AF.
  2.  Nikto.
  3. BeEF
  4.  Sqlmap.
  5. SQLNinja.
  6.  Fimap.
  7. JoomScan.
  8. WPScan.
  9. HexorBase.
  10.  Update all.
5. Others.
  1.  Nessus.
  2. Wireshark
  3.  OpenVAS.
  4. Nmap
  5.  Update all.
6. Update All
7. Update Script
8. Changelog
9. Feedback (Gmail)
10. Fix BT5 Bugs/Customize BT5
  1. Startx after login
  2. Change Login message(motd)
  3. Set PulseAudio to autostart
  4. Set Wicd autostart
  5. Install FlashPlayer 11
11. Additional Tools
  1. Nessus
  2. Crypter
  3. Ghost Phisher
  4. TMNT Project
  5. MinidWep-GTK
  6. The Mole
Download: bt5up
How to run:
tar -xvf bt5up.tar
You can copy the to /bin/ to make it easy to use it:
cp /bin/bt5up
chmod +x /bin/bt5up

After version 1.5 the script will auto install in /pentest/bt5up and has a symlink to /bin/bt5up , so after the first time you run the script you can just type:
And thats it!
For more details use:
bt5up -h
Hope you enjoy